Kubernetes 101- KubeCon [clear filter]
Thursday, December 7

11:10am CST

Kubernetes Deconstructed: Understanding Kubernetes by Breaking It Down [I] - Carson Anderson, DOMO
Understanding Kubernetes as a whole can be daunting. With so many different components working together it can be hard to know how the pieces work together or where new products and features fit in. I will start at the highest level and then peel off the layers one at time to explain how some of the "magic" happens. Over the course of the presentation I will break Kubernetes into the following layers:

"Kubernetes for the End User": A quick summary on some of the core components of Kubernetes: Namespaces, Deployments, Pods, Services, and Ingress Rules. At this layer the user just needs to understand the promises made by Kubernetes, not necessarily the way it keeps them. This layer primarily serves to establish a typical cluster workload. The resources defined here will be used when explaining all of the deeper layers.

"Kubernetes for the Cluster Admin": This Layer peels away some of the cluster "Magic". I will cover how the service account, default tokens, ReplicaSet and Pods from the previous layer got created by the kube-controller-manager. I will also explain how the kube-scheduler decided which node the workload should run on and how that decision could have been influenced by fields in the pod spec. This section will touch on the core concepts of Ingress controllers, Admission Controllers, scheduling, and core controller loops.

"Kubernetes for the Cloud Admin": This layer covers Kubernetes at an infrastructure level. Core concepts covered are: Horizontal Scaling, Load Balancing, high availability for masters and nodes, node management, and fault-tolerance levels. Here is also where I set the stage for the network layer that is covered next.

"Kubernetes for the Network Admin": Now we dig deeper into the network infrastructure. Explaining how pods and services work together, how your network traffic figures out where to go, and how it gets there. This section covers the concepts of East-West and North-South load balancing. The goal is to provide an basic understanding of the network promises made by Kubernetes and how you might replace them with other software and services.

"Kubernetes for the Linux Admin": A discussion of Kubernetes at the OS layer. This layer digs into the processes and configuration of the base OS. This includes pluggable container engines ex: Docker vs. Rkt, logging, CNI, metric gathering and volume mounting.

"Kubernetes for the Power-User": Time permitting, the final section will put all of the previous ones together to show how a next-generation application might be deployed on top of Kubernetes and take advantage of the more advanced features.

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Carson Anderson

DevX-O, Weave
Carson has a deep passion for CICD, Kubernetes, Docker, and Distributed systems. Not just for building and managing these systems, but for finding ways to make them accessible and useful. Carson loves being a cloud native and open source liaison to Weave and the hundreds of developers... Read More →

Thursday December 7, 2017 11:10am - 11:45am CST
Meeting Room 19AB, Level 4

11:55am CST

Building Helm Charts From the Ground Up: An Introduction to Kubernetes [I] - Amy Chen, Heptio
Learn the basics of Kubernetes from the perspective of creating a Helm Chart from scratch!

The Kubernetes cluster will be launched from Rancher, an open source container management software. At the end of this workshop, you will have a functional understanding of pods, services, deployments, Helm, Rancher, and more!

Why learn Kubernetes with Helm Charts?
Much of today's beginner educational content for Kubernetes uses the Kubernetes CLI tool. This can make it hard to visualize the relationship between each command and debug your cluster. Learning how to incrementally build Helm Charts provides a bigger picture of your cluster and is more reproducible.

Why is Rancher cool?
Rancher makes it easy to configure, deploy and manage Kubernetes, on any infrastructure!

I'm in, what are we doing?
- Gain a high level understanding of key Kubernetes concepts accompanied with a lot of diagrams
- Gain an understanding of Rancher's open source container management platform
- Incrementally build a Nginx Helm Chart
- Deploy Nginx from a Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher

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Amy Chen

Systems Software Engineer, VMware
Amy Chen (VMware) is a systems software engineer at VMware who joined through the Heptio acquisition. She is passionate about Kubernetes, Go, containers, and distributed systems. In her free time, she also runs a Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/AmyCodes) that discusses software... Read More →

Thursday December 7, 2017 11:55am - 12:30pm CST
Ballroom A, Level 1

2:00pm CST

The Easy--Don't Drive Yourself Crazy--Way to Kubernetes Networking [B] - Gerard Hickey, Smartsheet
Implementing Kubernetes is not technically difficult, but the networking layer continues to confuse and cause implementation problems for those new to Kubernetes. Not everyone is capable of using GKE and may need to implement Kubernetes in an on-prem facility. Certainly there is a wealth of online documentation to assist new users but some of this documentation is contradictory due when the documentation was written and the multitude of network stacks available.

This presentation attempts to provide clarity for new implementers and those wishing to understand Kubernetes networking better. The content covers how networking is accomplished in the Kubernetes environment and the reasons why it is implemented differently than traditional network environments. In addition, several of the popular network stacks will be reviewed to provide attendees with knowledge to make a better informed decision when choosing between network stacks.


Gerard Hickey

Principle Systems Engineer, Smartsheet
Gerard Hickey is a Principal Systems Engineer at Smartsheet where he is building the next generation data center for the world's leading collaboration solution. He has spent the past decade working with and implementing the latest technologies in an effort to provide better automation... Read More →

Thursday December 7, 2017 2:00pm - 2:35pm CST
Meeting Room 19AB, Level 4

2:45pm CST

The Elements of Kubernetes - Foundational Concepts for Apps Running on Kubernetes [I] - Aaron Schlesinger, Microsoft Azure
“The Elements of Style” is one of the most important and foundational guidelines on how to write well. It has effectively summarized, in a list of seminal guidelines, how to harness the power of the English language to write high quality prose of almost any kind.

In computing, we have similar guides for various technologies. Python offers “The Zen Of Python”, Ruby has “The Rails Doctrine”, and so on...

One of the powers these documents wield is that they help serve as a “north star” that guides an entire community toward the same goals.

I believe we need a similar guide for Kubernetes. It would describe how app developers and operators should think about and use the features in Kubernetes to build and deploy reliable, stable apps. Armed with such a guide, we could all hope to better understand the “essence” of Kubernetes in pursuit of building better cloud native apps.

We don’t have anything like this today, but many in the Kubernetes community have strong, detailed opinions for what should go in this guide. Much of it is tribal knowledge or scattered in blog posts.

In this talk, I’ll try to bring many of these opinions together and lay out an “Elements of Kubernetes” guide for app developers and operators alike. I’ll do so by relating each “element” to stories and details I’ve seen in the community that reveal what makes a good Kubernetes and cloud native app.

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Aaron Schlesinger

Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft
Aaron is a developer advocate at Microsoft Azure and a core maintainer of the Athens Project. He is an emeritus core maintainer and chair of the Kubernetes SIG-Service-Catalog and a contributor to various other projects in the Kubernetes community. He enjoys distilling his wide ranging... Read More →

Thursday December 7, 2017 2:45pm - 3:20pm CST
Meeting Room 19AB, Level 4

4:35pm CST

Using Kubernetes API from Go [B] - Alena Prokharchyk, Rancher Labs
As Kubernetes becomes increasingly popular, the number of integration and monitoring services around it are also growing. The key component of any such service written in Golan is kubernetes/client-go – a package that is used to talk to Kubernetes cluster APIs. During this talk, we will discuss the basics of client-go usage and how they can save the developer time needed for writing an actual app logic.
We will also demonstrate the best practices for using the package and lessons learned from the perspective of a developer who does integration work with Kubernetes on a daily basis. Following items will be covered:

* Client authentication in cluster vs outside of cluster
* Basic list, create and delete operations for Kubernetes objects with client-go
* How to watch and react on Kubernetes events using ListWatch and Informers
* Package dependencies (vendor) management

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Alena Prokharchyk

Principal Software Engineer, Rancher Labs, Inc.
Alena is a Principal Software Engineer at Rancher Labs, who's been working on building infrastructure services first for Virtual Machines, now for containers with main focus on Kubernetes. She enjoys helping others make sense of problems and explore solutions together. In her free... Read More →

Thursday December 7, 2017 4:35pm - 5:10pm CST
Meeting Room 19AB, Level 4

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